The Mahan Clan Website
Our loved ones are not truly gone until their names are spoken for the last time.
Welcome to the temporary location* of The Mahan Clan website. I’m Rob Mahan, a first cousin once removed of Dr. Harry James (Jim) Mahan. Jim was the family historian for many years, and he compiled a wealth of information about the Mahan, Campbell, Harvey, Miller and other related families.
With permission from Jim’s wife, Jan, I have assumed the honors of preserving Jim’s work, making it more accessible to other family members and friends and doing updates as new information becomes available to me. One day, I hope to pass along these honors to one or more younger-generation family members, to keep the family history alive and growing.

Jim Mahan began his genealogy research well before today’s extensive online resources were available. Once came into being, Jim transferred the data he had compiled by hand to this new online platform. He continued to research and add information to the Mahan Family Tree on, which is now the main repository for all of our historical family information.
The intent of this website is to provide an easily accessible introduction to the Mahan Family Tree on The contact form on the Get in Touch page will provide family members and friends with a way to request guest access to view the family tree and a way to suggest additions and changes to it, as well.
*If this temporary website becomes successful, I will eventually transfer it to a home of its own!
All the best,