After almost ten years after making the first two sets of JOY yard signs, Stephen requested another joint effort to create two more sets. One of these sets would go to Andrew and Megan, and the other set would go home with Stephen, as a surprise early present to Katie. The plan was to finish them in time to present them after our family Thanksgiving dinner.
Stephen and I worked for nearly a whole Saturday, from acquiring the plywood at Chelsea Lumber through getting the first coat of red and white paint on all of the components. This time, Stephen brought his own jigsaw, so our cutting out time was literally cut in half! The signs ended up being completed in time for the Thanksgiving day presentation!

A full scale layout in SketchUp showed that a whole sheet of plywood would be needed for each set of JOY yard signs

The ten year old Mahan set of JOY sign letters still look good and were used as patterns to reproduce this year’s sets

A small foam roller and foam brushes worked well for applying the paint and made for simple cleanup afterwards

Applying white paint to the components that will be attached to the “O” letters with stainless steel wood screws

Almost ready to flip everything over on painter’s points and start painting the front surfaces and edges

It was satisfying to see all the letters and components with their first coats of paint on the same day that we brought the raw plywood into the workshop

I am determined to me more discerning about what scrap wood gets to stay in the workshop after every project

Fortunately, there was enough red and white paint left over from other projects to complete these two sets of JOY yard signs