The old concept of a Murphy Bed always made sense, allowing more efficient use of the space in a room. We decided that our guest room, also used part time as an office, would be a perfect place for our own Murphy Bed. With a queen size hardware kit and basic plans from Rockler, I modified the design slightly by adding two side cabinets and some decorative trim on the main panel, to give it the appearance of an amoire when the bed was in the closed position.
While the basic woodworking for this project was fairly straightforward, the challenge was building a large hinged mechanism that opened and closed while maintaining a nice, uniform reveal around the opening. The addition of a good quality queen sized mattress resulted in a very comfortable bed for overnight guests. The gas shocks make opening and closing this Murphy Bed an easy one-person task.
This modern Murphy Bed has allowed us to utilize the majority of space in our guest room as an office, and easily converts to a comfortable guest room when needed.
This project predated the workshop, so it was built in our garage
The bed platform was assembled first
Cut sheets were drawn by hand from the basic design
Side cabinet carcasses with face frames not yet attached
Side cabinets assembled
The completed bed platform ready to accept the solid panesl
Lots of PVA glue for a strong bond
The bed platform blocked up over the main panels
Side cabinets in the paint shop
Completed bed platform
Attaching decorative face frames
Decorative molding echoed design elements from elsewhere in the house
Decorative molding echoed design elements from elsewhere in the house
Side cabinets staged for attaching to the guest room wall
Jeff was enlisted to assist with installation
Completed installation
Decorative items in the side cabinets
Without a mattress, the bed platform had to be held open
Murphy Bed made up and ready for guests to arrive!
Murphy Bed complete with hardware and lighting
A 3D SketchUp design was created based on the plans included with the hardware kit
The 3D design, set in a model of the guest room, allowed us to see the finished project closed and opened