I recently rearranged my digital piano setup to include a computer monitor instead of a paper music stand. (I detest trying to turn pages while I’m playing.) This move left a very nice black 24″ LED piano light unemployed. With a bit of design work in SketchUp and a few leftover pieces of white ash, I came up with a base to suit the piano light. I also used some leftover pieces of copper tubing, painted to look like brass, to enhance the design a bit. Now I have a cool (both meanings) energy-efficient and comfortable new lamp on my desk.
Basic lamp base shape with scraps of white ash.
Simple and heavy two-layer base.
First dry fit of all the components.
Loose assembly, front view
Loose assembly, back view
After adding a few chamfer details, the “goalpost” was ready for glue up.
A rubber band and four 5/16 spacers helped position the beveled cap pieces.
Base assembly stained and ready for polyurethane.
MinWax Dark Walnut looks rich on the white ash.
Three coats of MinWax satin spar urethane yielded a nice sheen.
A quick fixture to clean up the copper tubes with 400 grit emery paper.
The copper really shines, and the tiny scratches will help the primer and paint to adhere.
Rattle can brass over a primer first coat.
The finished lamp, sitting on the riser at the back of my desk.