Category: Boxes

  • Box Joint Jig

    After I enjoyed making the Box Joint Box for Jeff, I decided to make a more permanent box joint jig for the workshop. I wanted a jig that didn’t depend on clamping it to a miter gage on the tablesaw, that would accommodate different thicknesses of wood and that would be easy to make very…

  • Mary’s Mesquite Log

    Mary was saddened when a sudden Arizona storm blew down a mesquite tree in her yard. Not long ago, Mary’s husband Boyd had passed away, and that particular mesquite had always been his favorite tree. As Mary’s friend, Deb asked me if they sent me a log from Mary’s fallen tree, would I be able…

  • Box Joint Box for Jeff

    Two things: I love wood with a story, and if you give me wood, you can almost always expect to get some of it back in a different form. One of Jeff’s customers requested Vertical Grain Douglas Fir (VGDF) for window parts, a species he hadn’t processed in the past. He gave me a few…

  • Cherry Box Restoration

    An old cherry box, one of many made by my dad, Bill Mahan, back in the day. Still solid, time had taken it’s toll, warping the box and lid so they no longer lined up or closed. After some jointer and table saw work and quite a bit of sanding, the sides of the box…

  • Diane’s Seed Box

    A gift for our friend, Diane, this seed box incorporated several small-project techniques that are relatively new to the Marietta Wood Works shop. Resawing stock provided 1/2″ and 1/4″ thick components in keeping with the scale of the overall project. Temporary painter’s tape hinges did a good job keeping components aligned during glue up and…

  • Quick Mitered Box Technique

    Linda asked me to make a twelve inch tall riser block, and I happened on this sequence to turn some left over plywood into a twelve inch cube in just a few minutes. With the table saw set to make a 45 degree cut, and the rip fence set for the long edge of the…