Category: Toys and Games

  • Play Kitchen Repair

    Michael and Olivia wanted to give their Uptown Expresso Play Kitchen to Elliott, but a few minor repairs were called for before the hand-off happened. The refrigerator door was missing, and the oven door had a big crack in it! Fortunately and surprisingly, the manufacturer, KidKraft, had some repair parts available … but not quite…

  • Score Four

    A fond childhood memory was sitting at the kitchen table, usually in the wintertime, and playing game after game of Score Four. I think we only ever played by the basic rules, and as soon as someone won by getting four of their color beads in any straight row, the game was over and we’d…

  • Katie’s Scrabble Box

    The duel challenges of Katie’s Scrabble Box were to create a custom storage box for an existing Scrabble set, and to incorporate some CNC artwork into the project. Using hard maple and birch plywood, I decided to insert a machined maple medallion into the birch top. Taking dimensions from the Scrabble game components, the detailed…

  • Folding Puppet Stage

    Linda’s great Christmas idea was to put on a puppet show for the youngsters and young-at-heart-sters, then give the hand puppets to them to put on shows of their own. This great idea called for the design and build of a folding puppet stage. This one was done entirely out of scraps of 3/4 birch…